Unlock Her Future Prize 2024

Timeline & Partners


Our Partners

The Bicester Collection is proud to partner with world-leading authorities and voices to champion tomorrow’s disruptors and game-changers. Together we will invest in their social impact start-ups, and drive sustainable positive social, environmental and economic impact for generations to come.

Tecnológico de Monterrey, a private, non-profit, multicampus university founded in 1943, stands as a beacon of academic excellence, educational innovation, entrepreneurship and global perspective. With 28 campuses across Mexico, it boasts an enrolment of more than 67,000 professional and graduate students, guided by the expertise of nearly 7,000 professors. In addition, incMTY, the university's innovation and entrepreneurship platform, takes the lead in connecting high-impact entrepreneurs, disruptive investors, international governments, thought leaders and industry pioneers, to foster growth and innovation in emerging sectors.


Ashoka has worked for 40 years as a leading global organisation in entrepreneurship and social innovation. In Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean it builds and cultivates a community of more than 800 active Fellows, Young Changemakers, Changemaker Institutions and beyond, who see that the world now requires everyone to be a changemaker – a person that sees themselves as capable of creating large-scale, positive change. Together, amidst the exponential growth of a new inequality in changemaking at a worldwide scale, we mobilise (and accelerate) a movement to build an "Everyone a Changemaker" world where all people have the right and ability to co-lead solutions that transform their societies for the better.


Unlock Her Future Prize 2024

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