Our partner offers

We work with like-minded brands to bring you exclusive offers and rewards when you shop with us.

Discover the latest partner offers and details on how to claim your rewards below.


Latest partner offers

As a valued guest of our partners, you have the advantage of a wide range of benefits including the below offers.
Aer Club Logo


Collect double avios when you spend over €400 until the 15 December.

Qatar Logo


Collect double avios and triple avios on spend over €750 until the 4 January 2025.


Collect double miles and triple on spend over €900 until the 5 January 2025.

Etihad Guest Logo


Collect double miles and triple miles on spend over €1,500 until the 5 January 2025.


Double points min spend €350 to max €5,000 from 7 Dec to 6 January 2025.

To claim your rewards

Simply present your receipts at Concierge Services or email TheConcierge@KildareVillage.com.

  • Corporate Gift Card

    Treat your employees to a Kildare Village Gift Card.

    Find out more
  • Corporate Partnerships

    Find out about a corporate partnership with benefits for your employees, customers or clients.

    Discover Corporate Partnerships