
How to wear summer brights

Pretty pastels and energetic brights are set to saturate your style this season. Here’s how to pull them off.


Bold neon

Match summer’s rising temperatures with blindingly bright neon – highlighter yellow, lime green and fluorescent orange and pink cropped up in all our favourite collections. These pair particularly well with neutrals, such as beige, camel, grey and white.

Style tip: Colour is the first thing people see and the last thing they forget, so injecting colour into your wardrobe can be your power tool. Go bold.


Jewel tones

This season’s catwalks were awash with colour, from tangerine to fuchsia, emerald green to cerulean blue. And the best way to wear them is all at once from head to toe. Orange and pink, red with purple and blue and green are our favourite pairings.

Style tip: Keep the colours plain rather than patterned and use complimentary tones to make colour-blocking as impactful as possible.

Hot pink, canary yellow, soft lilac and caramel tones are all shades we’re excited to add to our wardrobes this year.

Susanne Heilig

Ingolstadt Village, The Bicester Collection


Pastel palette

Nothing says summer quite like ice cream shades. Whether pistachio, lemon or icy blue, these sorbet-inspired styles are perfect for a sunny city or beach break and can be easily woven into your existing wardrobe.

Style tip: Find the right shade for your complexion – the right blue looks calm and communicative; pink is feminine and romantic; orange is energetic and uplifting; and green is serene.

Get the look

Black hoodie Kenzo


270 €

Village Price

190 €


Black sweatshirt with the brand's name

Polo Ralph Lauren Men

Stampede Polo shirt
Green dress Sandro


265 €

Village Price

173 €


Short green long sleeved dress

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Playing with colour in your everyday dressing is sure to become a joyful ritual.

Sinead Kelly

Kildare Village, The Bicester Collection


Summer sparkles

While not technically a bright shade, sequins – whether coloured or not – are about as dazzling as can be under the summer sun. Glittering their way down the red carpet at this year’s Met Gala, sequins shone in shades of ruby, gold and lilac.

Style tip: Focus on pairing luxe materials – such as silk and sequins – with linen or cotton for a high-low mix that’ll work from day to night.



As fashions from our youth make a comeback with the Y2K trend, so does our hippie favourite, tie-dye. The ultimate post-pandemic mood-booster, these designs lend festival vibes to every holiday look.

Style tip: Opt for one tie-dye piece per outfit, so high-waisted trousers with a crop-top or a multi-coloured cardigan with denim shorts.

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