ID Project – Through the Mirror, by Jordi Bernadó - La Roca Village
Adolfo Dominguez 设计、制作并销售男女及儿童成衣和配饰。
We can be heroes
In an era of selfies, the real challenge is to turn your back to the camera. What does your portrait say about you? Dare to share it and join a conversation that reaches beyond the Village walls. Simply follow these steps:
Take a picture of yourself in front of your favourite Jordi Bernadó photograph.
Share your photo on Instagram and tag @LaRocaVillage.
New York, United States
New York, United States. 1953
Amman, Jordan
Human rights activist and ambassador for La Roca Village's DO GOOD programme
Yemen. 2003
London Library, London, United Kingdom
Co-founder of Wikipedia
Huntsville, United States. 1966
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Oxford, United Kingdom. 1942-2018
Freedom Park, Lagos, Nigeria
Enugu, Nigeria. 1977
Sabalito, Costa Rica
Washington DC, United States. 1964
Akamasoa, Antananarivo, Madagascar
San Martín, Argentina. 1948
Salinas Grandes, Jujuy, Argentina
Indigenous community leader
Jujuy, Argentina. 1968
Banc Sabadell Art Collection
Jordi Bernadó / Senda Gallery