KARL LAGERFELD - Las Rozas Village
KARL LAGERFELD 的品牌是创始人 Karl Lagerfeld 具有标志性的视觉和设计美学与当代前卫精神的融合。
Latest Offers
3 二月 - 16 二月 2025
Gif on your purcases over 150€
on the boutique
Additional 20% off the Village price on a selecion of items.
*Check conditions in the boutique.
Recently seen in the boutique
2024 Collection
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KARL LAGERFELD is thrilled to welcome you back and offer a personalized experience in-store or give you the chance to shop from home using our virtual shopping services.
• Book an in-store shopping appointment to receive a personal styling consultation and a tour of the latest arrivals. • Book a virtual appointment to shop one-on-one with a store representative from the comfort of your own home.