Unlock Her Future Prize 2024

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Empowering women, empowering ideas, empowering innovation – across the globe

The Unlock Her Future Prize is an annual initiative by DO GOOD with The Bicester Collection to identify and empower women social entrepreneurs in founding a start-up that will accelerate positive progress towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, creating positive social, environmental and economic impact across their communities and beyond.

In its second year the Unlock Her Future Prize welcomed women from LATAM.

Meet the 2024 LATAM Edition Winners

Valentina Agudelo, Colombia

Salva Health

Develops portable devices with AI to analyse breast tissue, helping detect breast cancer early and making it accessible to women in remote areas.

Leydi Cruz, Bolivia


Aids climate resilience for small farmers through a specialised data subscription and consultancy service, enabling them to improve their agricultural practices in irrigation management and generate higher yields.

Thamires Pontes, Brazil


A biomaterials start-up that develops textile fibres from seaweed as an ecological alternative to petrochemical materials. Through partnerships with traditional seaweed farming communities, they create new sources of income, especially for women.

Annie Rosas, Mexico


A social enterprise utilising technology to clean oceans and rivers, addressing challenges in recycling plant material collection and uplifting scavenger jobs.

Our 2024 Unlock Her Future Young Game Changer

Kristal del Valle, 17, from Guatemala, is the recipient of the Unlock Her Future Young Game Changer Award for her innovation and entrepreneurial spirit in founding the start-up MindVerse.

Meet the 2024 LATAM Edition Finalists

Andrea Nunes, Venezuela

Easy Clean Water

Provides drinking water to Latin American communities through solar purification systems, promoting health, local development and environmental preservation.

Florencia Sosa, Argentina


Empowers women who work with vicuña wool in the Puna de Catamarca, combining ancient craft techniques with modern technology. Each piece tells a story, enhanced through Web 3.0, a triple impact enterprise that reinvests profits in community training.

Gabriela de Sá, Brazil


A mobile application supporting women in Brazil and Latin America facing domestic violence, offering comprehensive assistance from reporting to education, to achieving financial independence.

Shirley Matos, Panama


Transforms education into an entertaining experience through the creation of animated content for people of all ages, bridging the gap between learning and entertainment.

The Prize

The three winners of the Unlock Her Future Prize 2024 LATAM Edition will be announced at a gala awards ceremony on 18 June in Madrid. Each winner will receive the following support to launch and scale their start up:

Unlock Financial Capital

up to $100,000 to launch and develop your start-up

Unlock University Support

to further your knowledge and tap into academic resources

Unlock Mentorship & Guidance

with global experts to develop human capital skills, increase productivity and to flourish

Unlock Visibility & Access to Partners

to build relationships with and grow your enterprise, through global exposure

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"The finalists of the Unlock Her Future Prize 2024 LATAM Edition represent the vibrant diversity and innovative spirit of Latin America. Their exceptional talents and game-changing start-up ideas to drive positive impact in their communities and beyond speak to the untapped potential and ingenuity in the region and are testament to why it is imperative to invest in women.”

Chantal Khoueiry, Chief Culture Officer – The Bicester Collection


Read our latest press release.


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