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Inside Bruce Munro's Moon Blooms light installation

This enchanting installation features 2,266 organic twisting stainless steel stems, each topped with a small glass sphere that creates a radiant welcome.

By Bicester Village

19 July 2019

This immersive light installation is an interpretation of the iconic Field of Light in Uluru, Australia; it is an organic piece of art that over time has stretched worldwide across fields, city parks, through forested lands and now to Bicester Village.

Each light stem rises from the ground twisting though the ferns, capturing the natural light throughout the day and in turn releasing it into the night as they meander through the landscape.

Bicester Village Editorial Main Image

My installation within the plantation of silver birch trees will reflect the grace and casual beauty of the forested landscape but also have individuality, so it will marry with the trees and planting yet have presence in its own right.

Bruce Munro

Installation artist

Bruce Munro has spent more than 30 years collecting and recording ideas and images. Language, literature, nature and science continue to be his greatest source of influence and this is reflected in the concept behind his latest work.

I was excited by the challenge of creating work in an urban setting. My installation within the plantation of silver birch trees will reflect the grace and casual beauty of the forested landscape but also have individuality.

Bruce Munro

Installation artist

Discover the enchanting installation in the forest of silver birch trees as you approach Bicester Village.

Find out more about Bruce Munro here.

