免税购物 由于全世界范围内有37个国家可以享受免税购物,所有的非欧盟游客可在欧洲九 大购物村享受增值税折扣。这意味着您能够在我们精选的著名设计师品牌系列上享有更多的优惠。只要一天内在同一家精品店内消费超过70,01欧元,就可享受最高可达消费金额15%的优惠。这个过程仅需简单的三步,即可完成。
从 2 月 1 日起,最低消费满70.01 欧元可享受退税
1.当您在标有 Global Blue、Tax Refund 和Tax Premier购物标识的精品店购物时,请索要一张退税申请表。
如需更多关于Fidenza Village免税购物的信息,请访问
Where to claim your Tax Free
How does it work?
Ask in the boutiques
Ask for a VAT refund form when you make a purchase over €70,01.
Fill in your details
Add your name (exactly as it appears on your passport), address and passport number to each VAT refund form when you make a purchase.
Global Blue instant Tax-Free kiosk
Enjoy immediate tax refunds on your Credit Card in the Village at our new Global Blue and Planet tax-free kiosks, located in The Concierge.
At the airport
Alternatively, take your completed VAT refund forms, receipts, passport and purchases to the customs office at your point of departure from the EU, where your form will be validated.
Made In Italy Treasures
Want an unforgettable day out? We've chosen our favourite attractions and created one-of-a-kind experiences for a memorable journey into excellence that’s Made in Italy.