Lindt - La Roca Village
Sprüngli,坚守170余年未变的初心。面点师 David Sprüngli 和儿子 Rudolf 在苏黎世开了一家小小的面包店,开始售卖固态巧克力。得益于他们的创业精神和不竭热情,面包店越来越成功。很快,Sprüngli 就在众多巧克力生产商中脱颖而出,成为家喻户晓的名字。探访 Lindt 精品店,寻觅甜蜜——尽在巴塞罗那罗卡购物村!
Recently seen in the boutique
Currently, La Roca Village from home is not available with this brand
But there are plenty of other brands you can shop from home.
*The boutique does not offer additional savings on the recommended retail price (PVP).