
Come and live your story with us

成为The Bicester Collection (比斯特系列)家族的一员,和我们一起谱写美丽新篇章

  • La Vallée Village Boutique Careers Main Image

    Careers at the Village

    Looking for a career to suit your lifestyle at one of our Villages?

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  • La Vallée Village opportunities Careers Image Main

    Careers at The Bicester Collection

    Looking for a career in flagship Retail?

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The Bicester Collection(比斯特购物村购物系列)有幸能够拥有众多才华横溢的优秀员工,我们的旅途才刚刚启程,我们必将以灵活的应对能力和敏锐的嗅觉在全球竞争中脱颖而出。

Scott Malkin
