Territorial Agreement at La Vallée Village
Sign Commitments* for employees working on Sundays and evenings
1. Pay increase and other benefits
-Get the written agreement of the employee for the work of Sunday and evening
-Veille the equitable distribution of positions to be filled on Sunday between volunteer employees taking into account, in particular, their personal and family constraints
-Accept, subject to a period of consideration, the request of the employee who no longer wishes, punctually or permanently, to work on Sunday, without having to justify reasons and without this being able to constitute a legitimate cause of dismissal
2. Pay increase and other benefits
-Occharge to employees working on Sunday and evening a 100% wage increase applied to hours actually worked
-Participate in child care expenses
-Reimbursing all or part of the transportation costs for employees working in the evening
-Make sure that the extra hours worked on Sundays are exceptional
-Occurate 1 additional day of rest from 20 Sundays worked and 1 additional day of rest from 30 Sundays worked
3. Weekly rest of 2 consecutive
-Occharge to employees working on Sunday 2 consecutive days of rest in the same week (the Sunday rest being moved to another day of the week)
-Occharge, if the employees wish it, Sundays of rest a year, to be taken by rotation
-Respect, in any event, the rules regarding compensatory rest for evening work
4. Contracts
-Privilege the CDI for employees working on Sundays
-Propose, according to the needs of their activity and vacant positions, full-time contracts to employees already employed part-time
-Set up a training book attesting to all the professional training received and / or experience gained by the employees employed on the La Vallée Village site
For further information, please refer to the complete text of the Interprofessional Collective Territorial Agreement, applicable to all Signs* present within La Vallée Village.
*Non-catering, catering brands are already subject to specific legislation.