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혜택을 드립니다

VIP 프로그램에 등록하고 특별 혜택 및 소식을 받아보세요.

이용 방법

  1. 로그인하기

    앱이나 웹사이트에서 계정에 로그인합니다.

  2. 스캔

    부티크 및 레스토랑에서 결제 시 특별 코드를 스캔합니다.

  3. 교환

    쇼핑이 누적될수록 리워드와 혜택도 늘어납니다.

The benefits of membership

Scan your membership code to earn a star for every €1 spent in participating boutiques at Fidenza Village and across The Bicester Collection in Europe.

Level 1

0-999 STARS

Level 2

1000-2999 STARS

Level 3

3000+ STARS

Invitations to Private Sales with additional reductions

A birthday treat at Rolling Donut

Membership-exclusive boutique offers

Collect stars with your scanned purchases and unlock surprising rewards all year round*

Partner benefits

Hands-free shopping service: We’ll carry your shopping bags and store them during your shopping day

Invitation to special events

Personal Shopping

 A special Village experience

Private Events and opening preview

Terms and conditions available here