Become a member today
How does it work?
Войдите в свою учетную запись на веб-сайте или в приложении Village.
Сканируйте уникальный код при каждой покупке в бутиках и ресторанах.
Чем больше покупок, тем больше вознаграждений и бонусов.
The benefits of membership
Scan your membership code to earn a star for every €1 spent in participating boutiques at Fidenza Village and across The Bicester Collection in Europe.
Level 1
0-999 STARS
Level 2
1000-2999 STARS
Level 3
3000+ STARS
Invitations to Private Sales with additional reductions
A birthday treat at Rolling Donut
Membership-exclusive boutique offers
Collect stars with your scanned purchases and unlock surprising rewards all year round*
Partner benefits
Hands-free shopping service: We’ll carry your shopping bags and store them during your shopping day
Invitation to special events
Personal Shopping
A special Village experience
Private Events and opening preview
Terms and conditions available here