Guest services

Shop and earn


Frequent flyer partners

Shop and earn with any of these frequent flyer, frequent traveller or reward programmes. Simply present your receipts at Tourist Information on the day of your visit to earn your miles. Please note the e-Redemption service is not available for Ctrip redemptions. For terms and conditions, click here.

Miles & More Logo

Triple miles

2.11. - 31.12.2024: Miles & More participants receive triple miles

Emirates Logo

Emirates Skywards

Earn 1 mile for every €1 spent

Air India's Flying Returns

5 Flying Return Points for every £/€4 spent across the Collection

ANA Logo

ANA Mileage Club

Earn 1 mile for every €1 spent

Asia Miles

Earn 1.25 miles for every €1 spent


Earn five Avios for every €1 or £1 spent.

Etihad Guest Logo

Etihad Guest

Earn 1 mile for every €1 spent

Flying Blue Logo

Flying Blue

Earn 2 miles for every €1 spent

Iberia Plus Logo

Iberia Plus

Earn five Avios for every ‎€4 spent


Earn five Avios for every €4 spent.

Virgin Flying Club Logo

Virgin Atlantic Flying Club

Earn 1 mile for every €1 spent


Earn 1.25 miles for every €1 spent

Malaysia Airlines

Earn two miles for every €1 spent.

BA Logo

British Airways Executive Club

Earn five Avios for every €4 spent


Бонус 1 миля за каждый 1 евро или 1 фунт стерлингов, потраченный в любом из наших бутик-городков

Miles & Smiles

Earn 1 Mile for every £1/€1 spent across the Collection

Royal Air Maroc logo

Royal Air Maroc

Earn 1 Mile for every €1 or £1 spent across the Collection